Join Artists Without Walls for a one of a kind experience in the world’s greatest city:
AWoW gives artists a platform to perform during AWoW’s monthly Showcases in the heart of Manhattan.
AWoW promotes artists’ events.
Patrons can support their favorite artists through the sponsorship of an artist in shows and appearances.
Patrons can support a multi-cultural organization that promotes cooperation between diverse cultures
Artists from diverse genre can work with like-minded artists in collaborative efforts.
Artists may have an opportunity to perform in Artists Without Walls’ sponsored shows in the NYC metro.
Whether an artist or a patron of the arts, annual membership is only $50.
Click here to join or to purchase a gift membership.
Why has Artists Without Walls been so successful in creating opportunities for artistic collaboration and attracting performers from all over the globe? Listen to Niamh Hyland‘s rousing TedX presentation at Stormont in Belfast, Ireland and you’ll experience one of the major reasons why.